Monday, October 29, 2012

Story Theme- Destiny

The wind blew over the trees, as the storm never ends. The blood from the corps, demonstrates the deepest fear. This is Tokyo, Japan and my name is Archimedes and now it is 2022. I, as a student, study physical science in high school 9th grade. Upon my eyes, I have seen a type of robot name “Endeavor” has killed over a hundred citizens. I, as a student, have no idea about this tragedy since our school has been in a close area which only permits generals to go in and “teaching” us. I am now in my school and my classmates are discussing about the tragedy. But the tragedy, which happens frequently, has been moralized since the “Lost Christmas”.  I am always alone, or I should say I don’t want to be with someone. I, as a student, does not really concern about the corps since my family and I are fine.  As I walk in to the secondary building in the school, suddenly, I have seen a girl who is tall, with pink hair and long pants and with her tears stand in front of me. I have ever seen her before. She reaches my hand and say “Please, save my destiny, save me from genes”. I have no idea about what she is talking about now. Gene? How can that damage you? While I am thinking about this question, there is an image upon my memory. What should I do now? Will the Lost Christmas happen again? What... will I do?

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