Sunday, December 2, 2012

Theme- My forest with his Trap(2)

As I woke up, the frozen water in my glass freezes as if it predicts the unfortunate. Nevertheless, this image will not influence my decision of going to a trip with my classmate Kay. They are all nice to me except for one thing- They are envy about the natural power. I am the only person in the village who has the fortune to inherit the ability from Daath, a god who creates Eve and Adam and the ruler of the void. The natural power allows me to control storm, thunder, lava, and delusion. However, in order to conjure my power, I need to immolate my feelings and my energy which depends on the strength. Despite I just explained that, I did not use any of them yet. There are two major reasons for my own sake: First, I am fear of my power. I can most certainly confirm that I can kill over a thousand of people if I maximize my natural power. Second, more people will take this opportunity to kill me. This power can be acquire by inheritance. No one in this world except for me realize this truth. Furthermore, all the natural powers are bestowed by “Daath”. There are three people who have the same power as me but with difference immolation on its power. No one prefer a war than peace. As soon as I arrive at the park where the beginning of trip is . I see Kay arrive wave at me with a glimpse of peer. I smile at him back as he did that. Kay is the embodiment of the “Daath”. I don’t know about his power since we are suppose to keep our powers as secret. However, I saw one of his powers before. He seems to calling Daath from the heaven and his soul is penetrated by a dark blue crystal name “void”. As his soul is infracted with the void, he looks like a doll. Beyond Kay’s body is a slender angel with two bright wings and the yellow circle on its head. It aids on conflicts Kay faced. However, Kay’s soul was soon kept in a lock.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Theme- My forest with his Trap(1)

My forest with his trap
  I, as a  very , very normal student who lives in California. I live in my house with my three stupid cousins. Opps, sounds like it was wrong. I mean I live with the three little pigs. Can every one guess who they look like? Exactly! They look like pigs but with smarter brain than I. Two years before  a scientist named Barack Obama had changed their brain successfully. I, as their carrier, who can not get any money from the experiment and they are wasting my time. There are many of “they”, include Obama, three pigs, and my neighborhood Lin. My goal of my entire life is to get rid of eerie things, any events, strangers, ghosts, and diaries. Yes, this is a story about a normal person and starts to escape from the three of them. The story had now begin..
                Once upon a time, there is a small town which lives in many people. As the people farm and earn money, they smile. When the villagers had no money, they smiled with a machine gun too. Isn’t that quiet peaceful? NO WAY for being  surrounded with a weirdo, or many freaks. I took a glass of milk and drinks slowly to enjoy something. It is hard to describe the something I enjoyed of, or I don’t know what am I enjoying of. Anyways I do not consider that as a primary idea of my whole life. There are three “nice” cousins right beside me. They always pull my arm before they acquire something. They hit my with a paper ball when they got bad grades, and for that they mean A to A- with no lower than Bs. They stare at me when they are hungry, or they are always starving since they are so… u know. My neighbor Lin was the first person who is normal as me as I realized. In other words, everyone except for me and Lin are freaks. They could have bomb the entire city if they do not get money from farm. Isn’t that sound stupid? Furthermore the villagers could have just rub and abduct the normal citizens in the city right beside us. Why wouldn’t they do that?  My personal goal for my entire life, perhaps it sounds silly, is to escape from this village and from those people. I call my sacred escape program as “ The future”.

Theme- Final(6)

When I had assumed my future had went back to normal, everything starts to go back. No tragedy or corps right shine upon my eyes. However, I do not want to enjoy this type of life- a life includes mysterious and questions. What am I going to do next? Should I continue my audacious with preposterous events? Soon a shadow was right beside me and with a knife . Was he going to abduct me? That was not kind of serious for me since the shadow was shorter than my shadow standing at the stand spot shinning by the lamp in my room. I could not see the person but I guess the thief is a teenager like me. Should I ignore him or push him and drop him down to the river? I guess I would do before I thought about it- tie him up into a bag…… Anyways, I am going to sleep well tonight- the most memorable night with a midget thief and officials. After this day and Christmas break passed through, I was a 9th grader. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012


 As I am frighten, there is a weird person standing in front of me. The person has yellow hair, dark formal suit, and a black hat. He gives me a needle which contains of a liquid. I was confused and reject the things he threw immediately. But he response to me “ If you want to save her destiny, or your destiny, take a shot of that genome. Genome? You must be kidding me! While I am thinking about his ridiculous thought, the bombs are getting closer to be. The explosion, is the first thing I fear of, when I involve with it. I am in a panic now, I have no idea what to do. The only thing I can think of is to take a shot of the needle with “ genome”. I take that immediately, and my body seems to be weird. It is painful, and there is something that is growing in my body now. I bend down my knees, since it is hard for me. I yell, as loud as everyone can hear me. After a sudden, I look at myself, as if I look strange or not. Nothing happen to my physical appearance. As I stand up, I can see a light in front of their chest, has something which seems to be “pull” out. Every person has the bright light in front of his chest. What is that? Should I try it out? I have no time thinking about this and pull out the thing in the bright light from a stranger. Of course I have pulled after I apologized to him. As soon as I pull out the “something” from his chest throughout the bright light,  scissors come out in my hand. What… what just happened? Does my fate changes- or my fate links me to a darker sight? 


I have thought about this event, or incident for an hour. Despite I want to save her from her misfortune, but I have no way to challenge myself. Nevertheless, I get my cup of coffee and sit down on the group. We have class until four o’clock. When I am thinking about something- I mean the thing I don’t want to recall, I have seen the image again! But the image is about the “Lost Christmas”, unlike the another girl I have imagine from my memory. I have frighten, and I have determined to save her somehow. I do not know the reason, but I feel I should save her from something even though I don’t know what that is. I jump through the walls in the school and I run about ten minutes to the Tokyo City, where the people have got killed everyday. I pretend to ignore them, and start searching for the building they mention. When I was thinking about it, I arrive at the door of that building with a sign call “ GC”.  The first step I attempt to go into the building, the bombs shoot over right beside me.
                                                            ~To be continue~


Now there are five soldiers with a brown riffles and the general, probably the leader with a green shirt and purple hair, standing in front of me and the girl. He had smiled happily, a joy of the darkness. He is pointing at the girl, and with his bright skin. He demanded: “You, Silva, the member of the terrorist who attempt to disgrace out justice. People, come over and grab her to the jail”.  As soon as the general said that, the soldiers take out their guns and tried to frighten as if we protest them. The girl is looking at me with sorrow, her eyes; seem to ask me to save her. Her grimace has proven that. But as a normal student like me who does not even know how to shoot a gun. How do I save her? I look down at my eyes, and in a sudden I ran away. I think I should escape since there is nothing does with me, since I want to live happily with my peace. I do not look back and do not imagine what is going next. When she is grabbed away, I look at her eyes, and with my pain and regret. But I don’t believe myself who owns the power to compete with technological weapons. This is it, I am leaving, and I will never think of a way to solve her, or am I?

~To be continue~

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I have confused. The first question I am going to ask is “Who are you?” or “Do I know you?” Nevertheless, I ignore her and sit down on straws in the secondary building. This building is actually quiet old but this is my secret place to stay. When I sit down on straws and take out my lunch- which is a piece of bread. I pretend nothing happens and then when I am about to eat my bread, she looks at me with an innocent face. It is obvious that she is hungry, or I mean starving in this case, since this is obvious to see. Even though she is starving, she does not ask to give her a piece of bread. When I look at her face, the same memory from the “Lost Christmas” happens again. Who... is the girl in my image? Why is she bleeding? I have no idea and I pass her half a piece of bread which I just rip it. She smiles at me with an innocent smile. When she is about to eat the half piece of bread, a group of people with black masks and green cover comes. I know they belong to government.  But why would they come here?