Sunday, November 25, 2012

Theme- My forest with his Trap(1)

My forest with his trap
  I, as a  very , very normal student who lives in California. I live in my house with my three stupid cousins. Opps, sounds like it was wrong. I mean I live with the three little pigs. Can every one guess who they look like? Exactly! They look like pigs but with smarter brain than I. Two years before  a scientist named Barack Obama had changed their brain successfully. I, as their carrier, who can not get any money from the experiment and they are wasting my time. There are many of “they”, include Obama, three pigs, and my neighborhood Lin. My goal of my entire life is to get rid of eerie things, any events, strangers, ghosts, and diaries. Yes, this is a story about a normal person and starts to escape from the three of them. The story had now begin..
                Once upon a time, there is a small town which lives in many people. As the people farm and earn money, they smile. When the villagers had no money, they smiled with a machine gun too. Isn’t that quiet peaceful? NO WAY for being  surrounded with a weirdo, or many freaks. I took a glass of milk and drinks slowly to enjoy something. It is hard to describe the something I enjoyed of, or I don’t know what am I enjoying of. Anyways I do not consider that as a primary idea of my whole life. There are three “nice” cousins right beside me. They always pull my arm before they acquire something. They hit my with a paper ball when they got bad grades, and for that they mean A to A- with no lower than Bs. They stare at me when they are hungry, or they are always starving since they are so… u know. My neighbor Lin was the first person who is normal as me as I realized. In other words, everyone except for me and Lin are freaks. They could have bomb the entire city if they do not get money from farm. Isn’t that sound stupid? Furthermore the villagers could have just rub and abduct the normal citizens in the city right beside us. Why wouldn’t they do that?  My personal goal for my entire life, perhaps it sounds silly, is to escape from this village and from those people. I call my sacred escape program as “ The future”.

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