Sunday, November 25, 2012

Theme- Final(6)

When I had assumed my future had went back to normal, everything starts to go back. No tragedy or corps right shine upon my eyes. However, I do not want to enjoy this type of life- a life includes mysterious and questions. What am I going to do next? Should I continue my audacious with preposterous events? Soon a shadow was right beside me and with a knife . Was he going to abduct me? That was not kind of serious for me since the shadow was shorter than my shadow standing at the stand spot shinning by the lamp in my room. I could not see the person but I guess the thief is a teenager like me. Should I ignore him or push him and drop him down to the river? I guess I would do before I thought about it- tie him up into a bag…… Anyways, I am going to sleep well tonight- the most memorable night with a midget thief and officials. After this day and Christmas break passed through, I was a 9th grader. 

1 comment:

  1. Willis, You have a good way of writing with suspense. I also like the amount of emotion you put into your scenes.

    Overall, this story has potential if you do a lot of editing and more gradually conclude.

    Looking forward to your next short story.
